Monday, October 22, 2012

Dungeons and Dragons: The Champions of Bane

Dungeons and Dragons: The Champions of Bane

Since the Time of Troubles The dark church of Bane's power has waned, but The High Priest of Darkness, Lord Balthazar, has devised a sinister plot to secure power and converts for the his dark master.


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Before I even think about making a character, I have some questions to ask first.

1. Are homebrew classes allowed if we explain them to you?
2. Are there any class restrictions since we have to be evil? Like paladin for example.
3. Are "half" races allowed like half drow half dragon?
4. Is there any restrictions to our starting equipment like enchanted stuff or dragonscale armor?
5. What's the limit to our known languages?
6. For a druid, what are they allowed to have as their pet?
7. For say a pixie, do they have to be small or does it depend on background?
8. Why not have succubus as a playable race, they're pretty evil most of the time.
9. Do you read Order of the Stick?
10. Would being an artificer count as godmodding since you can enchant anything with whatever you want?

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